Mission Statement:
Our main goal is to deliver robust online collaboration environment through our 3D Smart Classroom Online ™ and be the portal of learning for all students and educators around the globe. The 3dsco ideal for any learning evolutions, ranging from sales meeting/training, student collaboration, live chat between students and instructors, simulated online experiments for science, medical, engineering students, conducting distance research for geologists using our video blogging capabilities, product demonstrations for all commercial fields such as transportation, communication, online seminars for all professions and much, much more.
It is our intent to export our LMS (Learning Management System) to every possible electronic gadgets and devices that are Internet connected via broadband wireless technology using WIFI and WIMAX technology 24/7 such as Laptops, i-box, PS3 Station, Micro PCs, PDA’s and many more under development by various industries.
It is our aim to bridge the gap of distance to connect learning with students around the world and promote friendship and understanding among countries through education and to achieve greater innovations in technology and science for the benefit of mankind.
The best part of this website is: it is totally free (while it is on its infancy) for everyone who is willing to learn and share their knowledge for self-growth from K to the higher education. Together, we can be one solid community of learners regardless of race, language we speak, personal philosophy in education, and all nations unite towards world economic prosperity to prevent hunger and illeteracy, prevent cummunicable diseases from spreading through advanced medical innovation, maintain our planet by promoting global warming initiatives and cooperation among the leaders of all nations as well as their constituents.
We have the Apps version on Google Play Store and Apple Store so you can navigate your account via your smartphones. Search for 3DSCO